Saturday, October 24, 2015

10 Advanced SEO Tips & Tricks 2015

The search marketing industry has been growing quickly, so has the SEO competition between businesses during the last years. As a result, even if we implement all the basic SEO actions as choosing our targeted keywords, implementing the right h1-h2, adding more than 600 words in our landing pages and implementing the best image alt tags, still our landing pages do not earn top search rankings on Google.

So how could we distinguish our landing page from our competitors?

Below, you can find the top 10 Advanced SEO Tips that could make the difference as for your online performance:

Advanced SEO Tip 1: Implementation of “rel publisher”

First, you need to create a Google Plus Page for your website. Then you should add the below part of the code (replace “” with your G+ URL): ”

Adding it in the of the website’s source code, you manage to connect your website with your Google Business Page. This would give you an advantage on personalized results. So when someone “like” your post or page at Google Plus and then perform a similar search query, your relative landing pages will appear in the first results of Google.

Advanced SEO Tip 2: Implementation of “”

Implementing this rich snippet you can improve the CTR of your organic results. In this way, you help the user to search directly what he is looking for into your website and also improve your organic results by making it easier for the user to click on them (


Advanced SEO Tip 3: Implementation of “rel alternate” (when there is a mobile version)

By implementing the below part of the code:

in the of your website, you could help Google to detect the desktop version from the mobile version.

Advanced SEO Tip 4: Implementation of “href-lang”

In case you have a multi – language website, you need to implement the rel=”alternate” hreflanf=”x” to inform Google about which language you are using on a specific page, so that it can serve that result to users searching in that language.
To achieve this, you need to add the below part of the code in the of your website:

Don’t forget to check for the right implementation in Google Webmaster Tools (click on “Search Traffic” and then “International Targeting”.)

Advanced SEO Tip 5: Implementation of Google Analytics filter

In order to count in the right way the traffic from images on Google as organic traffic, you need to modify Google Images (example: / referral) -> (to) Organic Traffic

Step 1 (Create a New View)

Step 2 (Create the First Filter)

Now we need to create our first filter so as to gather all the google.xx reported as referral traffic.
Put “google images” at the “Campaign Source” field and put the below filter inside Field A:


Step 3 (Create the Second Filter)

With this filter, we state as medium for the campaign source the “google images” as the organic traffic.

To apply this filter we choose as “Filter Type”: Advanced and we use as “Campaign Source”: google images and as “Campaign Medium”: organic

Step 4 (Change the Organic Channel)

Next step is to click on “Channel Settings”-> “Channel Grouping” -> Edit the channel “Organic Search”.

Step 5 (Change the Organic Channel / Step 2)

Now it is time to start counting “google images” traffic into the Organic Channel. Follow the next steps:
1. Click the “OR” button on the right side
2. Choose “Source/ Medium”
3. Choose “contains: google images / organic”

Now the traffic from (or any other country) that was appearing as referral will count as organic as it should be.

Advanced SEO Tip 6: Creation of Events to decrease the Bounce Rate

Google Analytics counts as bounce rate when a user enters your website and then leaves without moving to any other pages. However, if someone visits your website and stays on your landing page for more than 1 minute maybe he founds what he needs and he does not want to move to another page.

For such reasons, you need to create an event to decrease the Bounce Rate as below:

setTimeout (“ga(‘send’,’event’,’Actions you choose’,’time on page more than 1 minutes’)”,60000);

The “60000” represents the time you choose as the desired one for a user in milliseconds.

Advanced SEO Tip 7: New METAs Implementation

If your website is responsive, then it will rank also in the mobile devices with the METAs that you have already implemented. So if you would like your METAs to be optimized also for mobile devices, the meta title should not overpass the 55 characters and the meta description should not overpass the 115 characters. Otherwise, the METAs will not appear completely on Google.

Advanced SEO Tip 8: Internal link building strategy

By sending internal links only to pages of the same or below category level, you manage not only to make stronger the pages where you send the link but also not to weaken the page from where the link is sent.
For example, if you send from an internal page a link to the homepage all the link juice and value is going to the homepage and you devalue the internal page making it very difficult to rank on the SERPs.

Advanced SEO Tip 9: Add image & video sitemap

If you create an image (and a video sitemap), you help Google to crawl all the images and videos and understand which pages contain also a video. Google tends to give value to images and videos and as a result this helps your pages to rank better on Google results.

Advanced SEO Tip 10: Add “internal search box” and find new ideas for long tail keywords

By adding an internal search box in your website, you can monitor through Analytics the keywords the visitors are searching for. In this way, you not only give visitors a way to quickly find the information they need but you can also find new keywords and create new landing pages to target them.
Make the difference

As Google is a fast growing business, we need to do more and more actions to follow this trend along with trying to survive from the tough competition. These small tips could help you differentiate your website from other ones and boost your website’s rankings on the top Google’s search engine results.

If you have any additional advanced SEO tip, don’t hesitate to share it with me in the comments below.